These sweet bunny dolls have the softest long floppy ears. And have the cutest little details that make them extra special.
As with all custom ordered items there is a standard turnaround time of approximately 4-6weeks - if you need bunny sooner please enquire as to my availability, I can often juggle my workflow to accommodate.
They are available in three sizes:
- standard - 30cm
- xL - 38cm
- XXL - 46cm
There are two sweet styles of eye to choose from - sweet girly lashes or wide open eyes.
You can choose cute button jointed arms, jointed arms without buttons (good for younger children where loose buttons may cause a choking risk) or in-seam arms for added security/safety for young children.
The following are further ways to customise your bunny - if no notes are made at checkout I will decide for you
1) All bunnies come with a cute carrot stitched on the side of their tummy unless you request it to be left off.
2) You can add shoes if you like - ‘Girl bunnies’ can have little stitched on shoes with carrots and ‘Boy bunnies’ can have shoes with laces.
3) you can select eye colour for open eye bunnies
4) a personalised name can be added at no extra charge to the inside of bunnies ear
5) ‘socks’ can be added - like the striped socks on the sample XXL bunny
6) you can choose fur colour - please see photo for fur colour options
7) you can choose fabric for inner ear and/or socks - see photo for options
please note: as with all Lille Bee dolls and toys these bunnies are intended for supervised gentle play by children over 3yrs of age - never leave babies and small children unattended with toys and while sleeping babies and young toddlers should not have toys or loose items in their cot.